It only takes one tick.

It can happen to anyone.

Let’s find out what’s wrong… and fix it… together!

Let us guess. You feel terrible. Your doctors don’t know why and tests don’t show anything wrong.

Don’t worry, you aren’t crazy. You aren’t imagining it because you know your body better than anyone.  We believe you when you tell us something is wrong!

You might have Lyme disease. And, there are two good reasons all the doctors you’ve seen before probably missed it.

The First Reason Lyme Disease is Often Misdiagnosed

First, Lyme disease is a serious condition which affects multiple areas of the body.  The symptoms of Lyme disease vary from person to person.  Since the infection varies and can manifest with over 100 different symptoms, Lyme disease is usually not even considered as a possibility by most physicians.

Lyme is known as “The Great Imitator” because it is so complex and triggers a multitude of symptoms found in so many other common ailments. It gets misdiagnosed about 90% of the time.  That’s right, 90% of the time.

Because the symptoms of Lyme disease are also found in SO MANY other common health conditions, it’s not hard to see why so many doctors miss it.  Even though the REAL issue may be Lyme disease, it often gets misdiagnosed by doctors as Alzheimer’s Disease, Anxiety Disorders, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Vertigo, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Parkinson’s, Psoriasis or even Multiple Sclerosis.

On average, patients see 9 different medical providers before being diagnosed accurately. That’s a lot of time and money wasted.  It’s a bunch of unnecessary suffering too.

If you’re spending any time on the Internet researching the symptoms of Lyme disease, we’re sure you’ve seen most, if not all of the conditions we just mentioned come across your screen at some time or another.  If you feel overwhelmed, confused or frustrated, it’s OK.  We understand and we’re here to help.

The Second Reason Lyme Disease is Often Misdiagnosed

The second reason Lyme patients suffer unnecessarily and their doctors tell them there is nothing wrong is because even if testing for Lyme IS performed, standard testing misses over 90% of the cases of Chronic Lyme disease.  This is because the standard methods of testing were designed to test for Acute Lyme disease and not Chronic Lyme.

The standard testing method is an immunoassay test of IgG and IgM antibodies followed by Western blot for confirmation.  In addition, most doctors use the CDC (Center for Disease Control) criteria to define/identify a positive test.  The problem with this is that the the CDC criteria was never meant for diagnosis, it was meant for epidemiological surveillance (tracking).

Most doctors are doing their best and it’s tough for them to be effective when this isn’t their specialty.  The symptoms of Lyme disease look like SO many other conditions.  And, doctors are relying on tests that don’t do what they are supposed to do.

Surprisingly few doctors know how to properly diagnose and treat Lyme disease because they lack specialized training.  Their trial and error treatment methods often miss the mark.  Our founder, Nicole Forsberg, experienced this first hand.  And, perhaps you have too!

Our Goals

Depending on your individual symptoms and health situation, we seek to ACCURATELY diagnose your condition the FIRST time and present you with treatment options that are within your budget.  We also want to present you with a treatment plan offering you the greatest amount of relief, as quickly as possible.

We look forward to reviewing your challenges together, in a step by step fashion.  And, we will lay out whatever testing or treatment options are available and we can go from there.  In the meantime, feel free to browse our site and jot down any additional questions you may have.  We look forward to working with you.

Lyme Disease / Co-infection Testing & Treatment in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

Schedule an appointment now and take charge of your healthcare!

* Individualized testing and treatment plans can vary. However, different co-infection/Lyme disease testing and treatment options are discussed ahead of time and YOU get to decide which are best, not some insurance company.

We are currently accepting new patients!

The Medical Offices of Dr. Thelma Peery and Nicole Forsberg APRN-C, NP-C

Home of and

2448 E. 81st St

Suite 1465

Tulsa, OK 74137
